From the series Data Manipulation, 90 Miles Of Data Space, installation view, artist's studio, Miami, Florida, 0:03:00 min video projection, December 16th, 2021. Photo © Alian Rives' Studio
90 Miles of Dataspace is composed of personal images, emails, videos, and sound exchanged among the artist in Florida and family members in Cuba to make a constructivist data dramatization using generative machine processes. 90 Miles of Dataspace pretends to define new poetics of space and experience with a meticulously abstract and cinematic site-specific data-driven narration taking the controversies in communication between Cuba and U.S.A. , exploring some characteristics of the Phildickian dystopia in a post-internet context. The Data Manipulation series addresses the challenges and possibilities that ubiquitous computing has imposed on us. The series explores how the perception and experience of time and space are radically changing now that machines dominate our everyday lives. It reflects on the malleability of data speaking about information processes invisible to the human eye.

